Sunday, May 1, 2011

Maui Police Officer Nelson Johnson Assaults Publisher of Maui Time Newspaper

Read more at Maui Time Weekly

Office Nelson Johnson is also the same officer who shot Lisa Kaina in Paia point blank in the head. Kaina had stolen a car, was driving erratically at high speed and refused to comply with the officer. Maui County indemnified him but some wonder if this could have been resolved without killing Kaina.  Given the explosive and bullying behavior that Johnson displays in this video, one begins to suspect that he perhaps escalated the situation when another officer could have ended the standoff without shooting her. Read more about the Lisa Kaina shooting here

He has also been reprimanded for being abusive and violating civil rights in the past.  John Dunbar claims he was roughed up and driven through the cane fields on the way to the station and sued for false arrest.  However Mr Dunbar has a reputation as an abusive bully and is an associate of the paranoid, compulsive liar Darleen Brothers, so one has a feeling that his truthfulness is suspect.  The Court apparently thought so and dismissed Mr. Dunbar’s claims.

Each of the previous incidents has been explained away.  But enough is enough and what we see in this video is inexcusable. Come on Police Commission.  Time to get rid of this bad cop.  Whether or not the other situations were justifiable, he’s obviously got some personality problems that cause him to escalate situations rather than calm them down as good cops do.


  1. Hey what happened to your old blog? I've found pieces of it in googles cache, why did it get shut down? was yours right? I'm building a site dedicated to publishing the corruption of all the police in Hawaii.

    I was using some of your articles as research. If your site was shut down due to censorship, let me know and I can host your site on my servers or perhaps we can collaborate and have you write your articles under HawaiiCopWatch

  2. Darlene Brothers complained to Wordpress and they shut it down. It didn't do any good to submit the court documents that substantiated every single statement. I'll post the court documents soon.

  3. By the way, Darlene Brothers was back in court with a lawyer and a new judge trying to get the Order of Protection against her rescinded...and failed.

    Why the Assistant Police Chief is both defending her and consorting with her is inexplicable...or is it? See the latest post on Maui Police caught with ice paraphernalia.

  4. Maui Police have so far done NOTHING about the cop who assaulted Tommy Russo. Maui Police Commission has also done nothing.

    Talk about corruption.

  5. In the meanwhile Officer hunts on facebook...
